Holy Alice in Wonderland furniture!!!

You simply MUST visit this website and check out their stuff.

Odds are, looking…and maybe running your fingers along the edges lovingly in a gallery as I did will be all you do…a wee bit expensive.

Dust Furniture.

I wandered into a gallery in old downtown Overland Park and just couldn’t get over these pieces!!!

They sway with the rhythm of the city…not unlike Michaelopolous from New Orleans and his paintings!

But it is furniture!!!


This is all I can say!!


About attraversiamodarmaz

Midwestern girl who loves big city shopping (note - do not love high heels of any kind) * hate to say that first because I fancy myself a yoga chic too who is into feng shui and a minimalist life but it's just not all true!* I do forget to recycle* LOVE reading and music and most things crafty (the idea of them - very fickle and creative urges come and go faster than light or sound)* Grand chef and baker in my own mind and kitchen - love to mix and match recipes for a glorious new concoction* Gardening would be very successful - I have a flair but short attention span can cause casualties* True bliss is my home filled with three beautiful children (four on the weekends - an amazing Goddaughter)* did forget to feed the beautiful children lunch once when they were too small to remind me* can't find socks for all on some crazy mornings* I'm a learner who just can't help it...a writer in my head, and a college instructor for a half dozen classes a year* can't help my right brain optimism* been a foster mom* am a very grateful mom of adopted children* worst life moment: leaving the E.R. with an empty baby carrier* this is me...pretty much
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